The Grand Ole Blog

I am not necessarily going to blog about the massive amount of Amendments to the Texas Constitution. The title is simply a a preview of my theme. Essentially I hate politics just as much as the next working stiff, I do however enjoy watching the constant bickering.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is Perry Really On the Chopping Block?

Rodolfo Gonzalez believes so. By no means am I a fan of Rick Perry. He is arrogant, foolish, and is a crusader against public education. However if there is one thing I am sure of is that Bill White is not the answer for Texas. In his political speeches he does not flat out state this but he hints that cutting funding isn't the full answer for the upcoming budget shortfalls. If we do not cut budgets then what do we do? Raise taxes. Do you know what a majority of economists say (so therefore I agree with)? Raising taxes in an austere fiscal environment is a BAD idea. Should we allow Texas to lose its supposed "first place" among state economies during this recession? No.

Lets tackle another argument that Mr. Gonzalez makes. Perry has no defining moment for his political career. Are you serious? He rebukes himself. He states "The Texas economy might be the nation's best, but that's largely a result of an approach in place before Perry took office in December 2000." That is a big stretch saying the policies put in place before Perry is what helped the Texas economy tread water (or so to speak) eight years later during the "Great Recession." I may be a fool but I think keeping money in the pockets of Texas residents is probably the best course of action.

There may be "plenty" of selling points for Bill White. I believe Mr. Gonzalez is selling us a lemon. I believe democrats do make excellent mayors and that Bill White did great things for Houston, however he is not the answer for Texas and we will not rally around him.

***I do not in any way shape or form endorse Rick Perry, I will never support him, however when comparing Perry and White, Perry is the better choice. I will not be voting for either candidate this election.***

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